A Review of NEP 2020 and Autonomy in Higher Education in India


  • Dr. Sweta Kumari Author




NEP aims to develop critical thinking and creative learning in students. In the past, the assessment was only theoretical. Through the new system, there will be daily evaluation and assessment of students, A review of NEP 2020 and Autonomy in the Indian higher education system discusses the advantages and challenges of autonomy in higher education after the implementation of the New Education Policy, 2020 the paper aims to provide the global trends related to the concept of autonomy and outline university autonomy. The study also seeks to provide a long-term vision for the higher education sector related to university autonomy. The study focused on descriptive research design and comparative approach. The study also concludes how autonomy affects institutional governance and management. And how it is heightened awareness among university leaders and policymakers that university autonomy is the keystone for an effective and efficient higher education sector. It also summarizes how NEP’s graded autonomy concept aims to encourage healthy competition between Universities and Colleges.







How to Cite

A Review of NEP 2020 and Autonomy in Higher Education in India. (2024). MSW Management Journal, 34(1), 107-125. https://doi.org/10.7492/gwtdk559