Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Strategic Action Orientation (SAO), Human Resource Development Orientation (HRDO), People Oriented, Internally Oriented, Prospective HRD and Growth-Oriented HRDAbstract
This paper explores the Strategic Human Resource Development practices with the combination of SAO and HRDO dimensions among Indian NGOs. NGOs are being critiqued for their project management than focusing on employee line of orientation. In this paper, Researcher has proposed a cluster model of NGOs to study their relationships.
In the Current Research, Mixed Research Methodology has been employed. There were two questionnaires including SAO and HRDO used to collect the data from HR managers or administrates and Top NGO executives. The data has been analysed through a few statistical tools like Pearson Correlation, Factor analysis and cluster analysis. The findings of SAO and HRDO usage in NGOS were satisfactory.
The findings have shown how NGOs are faring with the usage of SAO and HRDO aspects. Firstly, Pearson Correlation has used to establish the relationship between SAO-HRDO aspects. Secondly, the aspects of SAO and HRDO are converging into factors. Thirdly, NGOs have been clustered based on are their similarity in practicing SHRD elements with the combination of SAO and HRDO dimensions.
The current research paper is unique in nature because it has explored the SAO and HRDO dimensions in NGOs and their practices.
Practical implications
NGOs with the combination of SAO and HRDO dimensions are found to be high performing organizations. Though NGOs are over-critiqued for not focusing on employee growth than project management, these SAO-HRDO parameters could be used to enhance organizational excellence and employee engagement practices.
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